Bio and Curriculum Vitae


I am a Denver-based artist who primarily works in ceramic sculpture but participates in the exploration of other mediums.

I construct works to examine feelings of isolation, conformity, and comfort within today's society. They are representations of both the surrounding world and myself. Individual work can still contain multiple personalities based on the viewer and becomes another exploration of perception. Working in a public area where people travel for their everyday lives allows me to take in the physical reality and I can explore how I view society coalescing. The construction of the work is a drawn-out process to discover what the question is for that work or what emotion is evoked. The process of finding the final forms' state drives me to find a different method of confronting the idea.

Curriculum Vitae


Rocky Mountain College of Art and Design (2017-Ongoing)


Breaking Broken Broke (2020)- Taxi A.I.R. Denver, CO

Virtually Diverse: Performance in Isolation (2020)